Directed by Don K. Williams, the Harold Laboratory Theater Company’s production of Waiting for Lefty played to sold-out audiences and critical acclaim at the Art of Acting Studio in Los Angeles this past fall. The run closed with an explosive, out-of-doors performance at Occupy LA. Now, thanks to the generosity of donors, Lefty will be having a limited New York from March 22-24, 2012, with a free special performance at Occupy Town Square on March 25th at 12:00pm in Fort Greene Park Brooklyn.
Waiting for Lefty launched the Group Theater into the minds of the social conscience in the 1930s. Lefty explores the passionate lives of working-class Americans fighting injustice and searching for a better way of life during the Great Depression, when greed outweighed the value of human life and the only way to forge change was to band together.
Cast: Adam Bitterman, Chase Fein, Claude Deering, Darren Keefe, David Lengel, Emily Jackson, Jeremy Ferdman, Katherine Brandt, Jesse Steccato, William Stamey, Ayanery Reyes, Ben Whalen, Dan Evans, Doug Heiar, Erin Huiett, Goran Ozanic, Jacques Freydont, Ryan Moore, Stephanie Costa & Tom Setterlund, and Johnny Patrick Yoder.
Waiting for Lefty
By Clifford Odets
Directed by Don K. Williams
March 22-24 at 7:30pm in Studio 6
March 25, Special Sunday performance at Occupy Times Square;
location and time TBA.