The Stella Adler Studio of Acting is thrilled to formally announce its partnership with Dream Seeds “Actors Clinic” of Tokyo, Japan. The result of a long collaboration initiated by alumnus Kajiwara Ryosei (Evening Conservatory ’11) and our beloved late colleague Toshi Shioya, this international partnership will deepen the bonds between American and Japanese acting and theatrical traditions. In our mutual work, the studio’s master teachers will work directly with Japanese actors. The first initiative will commence in late 2017 when master teacher Ron Burrus will visit Japan to give an intensive workshop. Ron Burrus is the greatest living exponent of the acting technique developed by Stella Adler. Stella Adler was the only American actor to study with the great Russian master, Constantine Stanislavski. Thanks to the generosity of partner LesPros Entertainment, Kyugeki Academia in Tokyo Ginza will be the venue for the workshop. In addition, the studio and Dream Seeds “Actors Clinic” will plan an ongoing international exchange to include theatre productions and other meaningful artistic collaborations. For more info visit: