The Harold Clurman Playwrights Division, a program of the Stella Adler Studio of Acting, has announced the results of its search for ten-minute plays with social impact. In early 2014, the division sought plays that address issues of the environmental crisis or global violence against women and girls. Over sixty plays were received. Seven of them will be read on Monday, October 20, 2014 at 7pm as part of the Harold Clurman Festival of the Arts, an annual event that highlights the relationship between art and social activism. The cast will be comprised of studio alumni and faculty. The selected plays and authors follow:
Leaving Earth: Taking Flight in Pakistan by Barbara Blumenthal-Ehrlich
Just ‘Cause by Anton Dudley
Vermont or Something by Sarah Einspanier
In the Auction House by Julia Holleman
Medusa by William Hugel
Carbon Coping by Rich Rubin
The Procedure by Jeri Weiss
Said Artistic Director Tom Oppenheim, “In addition to having a life-long reverence for writers, Stella Adler and Harold Clurman believed in the artist as agent of social provocation and change. In accordance with our theatrical heritage, the Studio is intent on finding and nurturing the gifted writers of our time and contributing toward positive social change through great art.”
THE HAROLD CLURMAN LABORATORY THEATER COMPANY is the Stella Adler Studio of Acting’s professional theater company. The Lab aims to produce socially relevant theater committed to the standards and ideals set out by Stella Adler, Harold Clurman and the Group Theater. Select production history: Mercy Killers by Michael Milligan (Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2013, Fringe First Award), Lebensraum by Israel Horovitz (off-Broadway in NY; Ovation Award nominee in LA), Long Way Go Down by Zayd Dohrn (East Coast premiere, Ovation Award nominee), Our Town by Thornton Wilder, What Shall I Give My Children? by Don K. Williams (world premiere), Macbeth by William Shakespeare. The Lab is active in New York and in Los Angeles at The Art of Acting Studio.