Stella Adler I-Center

The Stella Adler Center for International Theater Studies and Exchange: I-Center

Through the Stella Adler Center for International Theater Studies and Exchange (or I-Center) the Stella Adler Studio aims to bring great theater traditions to the school’s facility in New York City and to share the Adler tradition with passionate international partners. The I-Center aims to educate and cultivate faculty while enriching the artistic lives of students and, ultimately, the American theater-going public.

Partnering Organizations
The Actors Clinic, Tokyo, Japan
Innocentia Inviolata in Toulouse, France


“I enjoyed the workshop so much…and I realized again how much I love working as an actor and teacher.” Roman, artist/instructor

“Having studied for five days with Mr. Ron Burrus was a life changing thing for me, because it made me change the idea of what acting is about… I learned how to open my mind and my senses … to see the world with new eyes, to challenge myself and have a wider perspective of the world and life, how to use my imagination and images from daily life, how to react, the meaning of reaction and how to evoke my own sense of truth, how to be real, realistic and deep…” Jose, student
