
I was out of prison for 10 years when I got involved in R4R. After I crossed the threshold, I went from feeling like I always had one foot inside and one foot out, to feeling like I was finally, completely out!
Jeffrey, 2009 graduate

Ritual4Return is a 12-week rite of passage program for formerly incarcerated men and women in New York City. Inspired by the insight that the transition from prison back into the community can be supported through rites of passage. R4R utilizes theater, improvisation, mindfulness exercises, chant, mask making, and storytelling to help individuals address and overcome the shame, stigma, and trauma of incarceration. Ultimately, formerly incarcerated participants devise and enact a theatrical rite of passage to formally mark the transition from prison back into their communities and into a new stage of life.

Participants and prospective participants are invited to visit this page for virtual resources that were created for use during the pandemic. This page will be updated regularly with new class videos and content. You can also see program director Alex Anderson’s introductory class here.

I have literally been in every reentry program they have to offer in New York City. And this is the first one that is actually interesting! It’s the first one that I feel is really trying to do something for me.  — Shanice, 2019 graduate

With the guidance and support of Stella Adler Studio staff, volunteers, and licensed social workers, R4R participants use mindfulness exercises and various artistic approaches to examine their lives before, during, and after prison as they strive to understand the possibilities for moving beyond the trauma of incarceration in ways that will bring peace, fulfillment, and meaning to their lives. The program culminates with a one-time-only rite of passage during which each person crosses a symbolic threshold marking the transition into the next chapter of their life.

For more information, or to enroll in the next session, visit the R4R website or contact kevin@stellaadler.com

Ritual 4 Return will be releasing a series of video classes for people who are interested in pursuing this work safely during the pandemic. Please click here for the first video in the series featuring Director of Programs Alex Anderson.

Leadership Team:

Alexander Anderson
Director of Programs & Ritual Elder


